We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener

JOE Joint Bonding Adhesive

JOE Joint Bonding Adhesive is a pre-blend of Portland cement, specially sized inert aggregates and approved chemicals additives. It is a cement based adhesive, specially designed for fixing panel and blocks. The formula has excellent workability and adhesion to strengthen joint between panels and to help minimize cracks. By just adding in the required amount of water and mixing. It is ready for application.
Product Description

Product Benefits:

  1. Prevent crack hairline occur.
  2. Hard, durable and water resistant.
  3. Excellent bond and compressive strength.
  4. Economical with very high coverage.
  5. Very low drying shrinkage.

Technical Data (typical):

  1. Weight: 40 kg
  2. Density: 1.4 gm/cm3 
  3. Open Time: 30 minutes
  4. Setting Time: initial – 5 hours
  5. Consumption (approximate): 2.2kg/m2 using notched trowel with 4.5mm notch
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