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JOE Stoppercap

Our Stoppercaps are essential to ensure that the mortar joint adhesive would ensure the full contact surface of the wall sectional area , good compaction or mortar when using mortar hand pump and also not be wasted and drop into the hollow. Moreover , reduction of rainwater ingress into hollow when used as external wall during installation process.
Product Description


  • Check Wall Dimension and Length as per required.
  • Insert in JOE Stopper Caps to all the Top Hollows of the Wall Panels.
  • The first and last Hollow is 58 dia. Of which the Stopper Cap would tightly fit in.
  • The 2nd to 6th Hollow is 64mm dia. Of which the Stopper Cap to be insert into the Hollow slightly below the rim to firmly secure it in position.
  • These Stopper Caps are essential to ensure that the Mortar Joint Adhesive would ensure full contact surface of the wall sectional area, good compaction of mortar when using mortar hand pump and also not be wasted and drop into the hollow.Also reduction of rainwater ingress into hollow when used as external wall during installation process.
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