We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener We Are JOE Green - We Build Better, Faster & Greener
JOE Panel

JOE Wall Panel

Recycled • Super Flat • Customized • Superior Quality • Minimum Waste.

JOE Green Concrete Panel is a sustainable green concrete panel with better buildability, superior quality and minimum waste. It’s a precast hollow core lightweight concrete panel for internal and external wall. It has been certified as Singapore Green Label product, no. 022-015-0269 as eco-friendly building material, produced with minimum content of 30% - 80% Recycled Concrete Aggregates and other waste materials.

Available Thickness:
75mm,  Ø40mm
90mm,  Ø58mm
100mm, Ø40mm
100mm, Ø64mm
150mm, Ø40mm
200mm, Ø64mm

Product Description

Features and Benefits

JOE Green proven to be superior:

1. Super flat and required only Putty/Thin Skim Coat (Internal). BCA’s buildability score is 0.85 Labor Saving Index (LSI).

2. Customized up to 6m length to minimize waste, lintel, stiffer, labor & time to achieve productivity.

3. REINFORCED with High Tensile Steel Wire for Bending Strength and Safety in its usage as High Wall.

4. Truly content minimum of 30% - 80% Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCAs).

5. Certified Singapore Green Label Product (Cert. No: 022-015-0269)

6. Scored HIGHER points for BCA Green Mark appraisal system.

7. Minimum and No chasing of recess required for easier and faster M&E installation.

8. Direct tiling and used in wet area due to low water absorption.

9. Installed for internal, external and parapet wall both laid horizontal and vertical.

10. Joint R&D with Professionals, Consultants and Manufacturers to develop new and Integrated wall System.

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